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How the Inverse See-Saw Mechanism Can Reveal Itself Natural, Canonical and Independent of the Right-Handed Neutrino Mass

机译:反向看见机制如何能够揭示自己的自然,规范   并且独立于右手的中微子质量



The common lore in the literature of neutrino mass generation is that thecanonical see-saw mechanism beautifully offers an explanation for the tinyneutrino mass but at the cost of introducing right-handed neutrinos at a scalethat is out of range for the current experiments. The inverse see-saw mechanismis an interesting alternative to the canonical one once it leads to tinyneutrino masses with the advantage of being testable at TeV scale. However,this last mechanism suffers from an issue of naturalness concerning the scaleresponsible for such small masses, namely, the parameter $\mu$ that is relatedto lepton number violation and is supposed to be at the keV scale, much lowerthan the electroweak one. However, no theoretical framework was built thatoffers an explanation for obtaining this specific scale. In this work wepropose a variation of the inverse see-saw mechanism by assuming a minimalscalar and fermionic set of singlet fields, along with a $Z_5\otimes Z_2$symmetry, that allows a dynamical explanation for the smallness of $\mu$,recovering the neat canonical see-saw formula and with right-handed (RH)neutrinos free to be at the electroweak scale, thus testable at LHC and currentneutrino experiments.
机译:中微子质量产生文献中的常见知识是,规范的跷跷板机制可以很好地解释微小中微子的质量,但代价是引入的右旋中微子的规模超出了当前实验的范围。反向跷跷板机制是经典的一种有趣的替代方法,它会导致微小的中微子质量,并具有可在TeV规模上进行测试的优势。然而,后一种机制受到自然问题的困扰,这种自然问题涉及对如此小质量负责的尺度,即与轻子数违反有关的参数$ \ mu $,应处于keV尺度,远低于电弱的尺度。但是,没有建立理论框架来为获得此特定量表提供解释。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个反向跷跷板机制的变体,方法是假设一个最小标量和费米子形的单线态场,以及一个$ Z_5 \ otimes Z_2 $对称性,从而可以动态地解释$ \ mu $的微小程度,纯净的规范跷跷板公式,并且右旋(RH)中微子自由处于电弱尺度,因此可以在LHC和当前中微子实验中进行测试。



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